Resident Help Center


How do I connect my Arize Smart Thermostat to my personal Wi-Fi?   

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There are two ways to connect your thermostat to your personal Wi-Fi

  • Through the Arize Resident App  
  • Using the Arize Smart Thermostat  

To connect your thermostat to your personal Wi-Fi through the Arize Resident App

  1. Open the Arize Resident App.  
  2. From the resident dashboard, tap the thermostat device tile. 
  3. Tap the settings icon located in the upper right corner of the screen.  
  4. Tap Configure Wi-Fi. 
  5. Confirm that your Arize Smart Thermostatis on the Wi-Fi setup page.  
  6. Follow the in-app instructions to connect to your personal Wi-Fi.  

To connect your thermostat to your personal Wi-Fi using the Arize Smart Thermostat

  1. Use the left < and right > arrowson the Arize Smart Thermostat to navigate to the menu and press OK.  
  2. Use the right > arrow to highlight the Network icon and press OK.   
  3. Highlight Connect and press OK to view the current network connection status.    
  4. Highlight Reconfigure and press OK to view the Wi-Fi setup instructions screen.  
  5. Follow the instructions to connect to your personal Wi-Fi. 

Note: You must connect the thermostat to a 2.4 GHz Wi-Fi network. Before following these steps, make sure you are not already connected to your personal Wi-Fi network.