Resident Help Center


How do I reset the Arize Smart Water Leak Detector after I’ve identified a leak?  

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How to reset the Arize Smart Water Leak Detector (Gen 1)

  1. Dry the sensor off. 
  2. If push notifications are enabled, then you will receive an alert through push notification.   
  3. If you do not have push notifications enabled, open the Arize Resident App. 
  4. On the dashboard, tap the Leak Detection tile and you will see the Water Leak Detection alert. 
  5. Tap Dismiss on the alert.  

Note: Unlike the Gen 2 leak detector, the Gen 1 leak detector doesn’t beep when it senses a water leak. 

How to reset the Arize Smart Water Leak Detector (Gen 2)

  1. Dry the sensor off.  This should mute any beeping. 
  2. If push notifications are enabled, then you will receive an alert through push notification.   
  3. If you do not have push notifications enabled, open the Arize Resident App. 
  4. On the dashboard, you will see a Water Leak Detection alert. 
  5. Tap Dismiss on the alert.