What are the different thermostat and fan modes?   

Thermostat modes Auto: Set a temperature range. The heater or air conditioning will automatically turn on if the temperature goes outside of this range.   Heat: The heater will turn on until it is set to a different setting.  Cool: The air conditioning will turn on until it is set to a different setting.  Off  Fan […]

How do I start using the Arize Smart Thermostat in the Arize Resident App? 

You can remotely control your Arize Smart Thermostat through the Arize Resident App. This includes the ability to create thermostat schedules or change the device’s set temperature, thermostat mode, or fan mode settings.    Here’s a quick description of the information displayed on the thermostat screen  Set Temperature Slider - This is where you can control and set the temperature(s).  Current […]