How do I know if a device needs a battery replacement?

You will receive low-battery alerts when a device needs a new battery. The alert will pop up at the upper right corner of the screen and will indicate the unit and location of the device. Three ways to view low battery alerts (once the pop up disappears)  Alerts > Filters/Triggered Time. Active Alerts in the […]

How do I delete and then re-add a device again?

To delete a device Click Devices in the side navigation menu.  Use the filter to find the device you want to delete. Once you find the device, click the pencil icon located under the “Action” column. Click Delete Device in red at the bottom left of the form.  Click Delete.  To re-add a device Contact […]

What do I do if the hub keeps going offline?

By default, the smart hub is connected to 4G. At times, this connection can be unstable. We advise residents to connect their hub to Wi-Fi. If the hub is already connected to Wi-Fi and is still encountering connectivity issues, you might be facing service instability problems. Please contact for further assistance.