Property Manager Help Center


How do I filter alerts?

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There are three ways to filter alerts 

  • Filter by alert type.
  • Filter by alert status (“resolved” or “untreated”).
  • Pre-filtered Active Device Alerts quick links.

Filter by alert type

  1. Click Alerts in the side navigation menu.
  2. Use the buttons below the filter section to filter by “Alert Type”.

Filter by alert status (“resolved” or “untreated”) 

  1. Click Alerts in the side navigation menu.
  2. Use the “Status” filter in the filter area.
  3. Click the Apply button.

Pre-filtered Active Device Alerts quick links 

  1. Go to the dashboard screen.
  2. There is a section at the bottom of the screen labeled “Active Device Alerts”.
  3. Click on one of the pre-filtered alerts quick links.