Property Manager Help Center


How do I know if a device needs a battery replacement?

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You will receive low-battery alerts when a device needs a new battery. The alert will pop up at the upper right corner of the screen and will indicate the unit and location of the device.

Three ways to view low battery alerts (once the pop up disappears) 

  • Alerts > Filters/Triggered Time.
  • Active Alerts in the top navigation menu.
  • Active Device Alerts quick link on the dashboard.

Alerts > Filters/Triggered Time 

  1. Click Alerts in the side navigation menu.
  2. If you know the building and unit the device is in, you can use filters to find the alert.
    • You can also filter by clicking on the Triggered Time column.
    • You can also click the Low Battery button below the filters.

Active Alerts in the top navigation menu

  1. Click Active Alerts in the top navigation menu.
  2. If you know the building and unit the device is in, you can use filters to find the alert.
    • You can also filter by clicking on the Triggered Time column.
    • You can also click the Low Battery button below the filters.

Active Device Alerts quick link located on the dashboard 

  1. Click the Low Battery Alerts quick link on the dashboard screen.
  2. If you know the building and unit the device is in, you can use filters to find the alert.
    • You can also filter by clicking on the Triggered Time column.
    • You can also click the Low Battery button below the filters.